Starter Homes

If you're in the market to buy your first piece of real estate, be it Mississauga or London Ontario real estate, congratulations! Buying your first home is a big step. For some people, it's the moment they realize that they're finally an adult. When shopping for your first piece of real estate, you've probably got some sort of ideal home in mind. We just hope that your dream piece of Mississauga or Leslieville real estate isn't a mansion or luxury home of some sort. That is unless you're very financially well off. In that case, dream as big as you want!

Usually, though, people in the market for their first home have to scale back a little in terms of the real estate property they are going to be calling their first home. Most people when buying their first home have just enough saved up to afford, what people in the real estate business call, a starter home. Starter homes are usually a condo or small townhouse.

Mississauga condos or Richmond Hill townhouses are considered types of starter homes because they are usually more affordable than a house. As well, they tend to come with much lower monthly mortgage Mississauga Canada payments. When shopping for your first home you have to make concessions. You know what you can and can not afford. You've gone over your finances and met with mortgage brokers to determine what your spending budget is.

You have to remember that you're not only going to be spending money on the property itself but all the bills that come with it. Such as utility bills and the mortgage. Those are all costs that add up. Which is why when shopping for your first home, you should focus most of your attention on starter homes such as Mississauga or Vaughan townhouses or condos. They are not as expensive as a normal two or three storey house is. Their upkeep costs are a fraction of what you would spend maintaining a house and as we already mentioned, the mortgage will be lower.

There's nothing wrong with owning a townhouse or condo. You have to keep your emphasis on the word "starter" when talking about starter homes. This is your first home and it probably won't be your last. All the money you save now while owning a townhouse or condo can be used to purchase a bigger house down the line.

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